HHS Productions Inc.
Head, Heart & Soul
"Art is a reflection of life, its character(s)
illuminate the recesses of our most inner being"
about us
HHS Productions Inc. is a film production company based in Calgary, Alberta with a mission to tell stories that touch the head, heart and soul.
Whether drama, comedy, or documentary we focus on bringing depth to our stories and illuminating the common truths of what it means to live and love in this world. We explore diverse topics and characters, as well as aim to spotlight a variety of social and political issues.
Our films have screened, internationally, at festivals, in theatres, and online and have received awards and nominations for writing, cinematography, production, and more.
We are currently developing two feature films, a number of shorts, and several television series. We are also available for production services including writing, directing, producing and editing.
Past Awards and Nominations include:
Zombies in Retail:
Best Picture Mini-Feature/TV pilot at Bare Bones Film Festival, Best Guerilla Short at Action on Film Festival, and Star Award at Indie Gathering Film Festival
Faded Image:
Star Award at Indie Gathering Film Festival, and Best Cinematography at Action on Film Festival
Best Editing nomination at the Stinger Awards
The Marrow:
Finalist screenplay at the Milledgeville Eatonton (ME) Film Festival, the Covellite International Film Festival, and semi-finalist at Script Summit 2020

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Hyphenate Reel - Founder - Troy Greenwood
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After premiering at the Covellite International Film Festival our short film Sold has now been nominated for best editing at the Stinger Awards.

The screenplay The Marrow is now a finalist at several festivals including the Milledgeville Eatonton (ME) Film Festival and The Covellite International Film Festival.

After an incredible festival run Faded Image is now online! I hope it can encourage people to share their own struggles with mental health. Link – Faded Image